Irishman looks back at his youth
Irishman looks back at his youth
This is an account* of the childhood of Tom Murray, born and raised on a farm in the Irish Midlands in the 30s.
At the age of 20 he went to work and live in Dublin, but since retiring has been researching this nostalgic account of the hard work, pastimes, sporting interests and good humoured roguery which was vital in growing up on a farm in the late 30s. With his mother left a widow with six children under the age of 10, Murray describes his responsibilities as the oldest boy. However, the book does not just detail the hard work involved but also descriptions of the excitement of Christmas and simply being a child growing up on a farm.
The language is vivid and accompanied by a number of photographs and sketches and is clearly a past recalled fondly.
*The Young Haymakers – a Midland Boyhood, written and published by Tom Murray, £6.99, available post free from Kimleigh Books, 33 St Assams Park, Raheny, Dublin 5.