Late drilled maize crops perform well
Late drilled maize crops perform well
ALL remaining maize crops must be cut shortly as there will be no further yield increases and maize is better in the clamp than the field, writes Grainseeds Neil Groom.
Despite some maize crops being drilled late this spring, due to the cold wet weather, they have performed well. Fortunately, it has been a good maize growing year and late crops have reached maturity, although plants remain green.
Where crops are green, chopped straw should be added to the bottom of the clamp to soak up effluent, advises Mr Groom.
This weeks results show that all remaining sites are nearing the optimum dry matter content of 28-30%. All three producers are planning to cut crops this week.
Yields at northern sites are 10-15% higher than last year, compensating for this years lower grass silage yields, he adds. *
Maize dry matter Oct 22
Site Height DM% DM%
above rise
sea level
Petworth, Sussex 50 H –
Harleston, Norfolk 30 H –
Crediton, Devon 118 H –
Ticknall, Derbys 67 H –
Gelli Aur, Dyfed* 23 30.1 +1.5
Leyburn, NYorks* 107 31.2 +1.5
SAC, Dumfries* 45 27.4 +3.2
* – Harvested
* Variety Nancis, all other sites Soldier.