Leading US sires join WWS portfolio

17 August 2001

Leading US sires join WWS portfolio

TWO high ranking US Emory sons have been added to the Direct portfolio of World-Wide Sires.

Sandy-Valley Forbidden is a breed leader for udder improvement, offering +3.04 on udder composite. He also offers 646kg of milk, +2.4 on UK type merit (see daughter pictured), a PLI of £49 and a PIN of £44.10, says the company.

Forbidden is said to be ranked within the top 20 US TPI ranking and is bred from the famous Plushanski Chief Faith cow family. He also has an impressive linear profile, offering strong improvement on all linear traits, adds WWS.

Fustead Emory Blitz is from three generations of excellent dams and, according to HUKI, is the highest type sire available in the UK to offer more than 1000kg of milk. He is said to offer 1067kg of milk, +2.48 on both UK type merit and udder composite, a PIN of £23 and a PLI of £29.

Forbidden straws cost £24 each and Blitz straws £20 each (0800-1957836, fax 01691-831615).

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