Learn how to pull the birds …

CUMBRIA‘S FARMERS are being offered the opportunity to discover a new set of wildlife skills by taking part in a free training programme.

The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds has linked up with DEFRA‘s Vocational Training Scheme to organise a programme of 24 courses over the next 18 months.

The courses will be held on RSPB nature reserves and will give local farmers the skills to help wildlife on their farms.
The first training day will be held at the RSPB Campfield Marsh reserve, near Carlisle, on Wed, Sept 8 2004. 

The theme of the first ‘How to…‘ day is lowland wet grassland management for birds. 

Subjects covered will include: how to choose a design and install a sluice system, water level control for birds, rush cutting, scrape design and ditch re-profiling.

Tim Youngs, RSPB Conservation Officer for Cumbria said many birds were dependent on farming.

“There are lots of things that land managers can do to help wildlife without it having a big impact on their business. 

“As farmers ourselves, the RSPB has plenty of experience of integrating farm needs with those of wildlife and we are delighted to have this opportunity to team up with local farmers to share information and skills.”

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