Limousin herd does well at Lackham

13 July 2001

Limousin herd does well at Lackham

LIMOUSIN heifers have shown strong maternal characteristics and excellent temperaments in the first calving season of the recently established pedigree herd at Lackham College, Wilts.

Future studies on the herd will focus on reproductive efficiency and how early calf performance may be an indicator of future potential, says college farm manager Philip Steans. "Seventeen of the 19 Limousin heifers calved easily. Calf birth weight averaged 38.6kg, ranging from 33kg to 44kg. In the first two weeks after birth, daily liveweight gains averaged 1.2kg."

Contrary to popular belief, temperament of Limousin heifers has been excellent, but where they calved made a difference, says Mr Steans. "Two calved in loose boxes and were very protective of calves, but those calving alongside the rest of the herd were much quieter."

In addition to the pedigree project, the college is working with Southern Counties Quality calves and Meadow Valley Livestock to compare the performance of 60 Limousin cross heifers and bulls from high beef value or low beef value sires. &#42

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