Major quality concern for wheat

9 August 2001

Major quality concern for wheat

“WERE in for a critical season in the laboratory,” says John Smith about the wheat harvest.

The Weald Granary has seen variable wheat crops in Kent, Surrey and Sussex.

Farmers are generally disappointed with yields so far. “Crops are thin and screenings are too high. There is a lot of grass seed within the samples.”

Quality is also varied. He uses a North-Kent farmer as an example. “Growing Malacca he would normally expect 13% Protein. The sample from one field ranges from 10.6-12.5%, which is mostly feed standard.”

Hagbergs on Malacca and Hereward are generally 50 below last year already.

He is concerned by the current weather. “The longer this persistent rain goes on, the longer we will see problems with Hagbergs, bushels and protein.”

But he also says that if the weather improves things may not be as bad as currently forecasted.

There are still significant areas of oilseed rape and winter barley not cut. Oilseed rape yields have been disappointing.

But Pearl and Regina winter barleys have been good. Nitrogen from 1.62% for Pearl to 1.75% for Regina with specific weight about 68Kg/hl.

He is now concerned with sprouting in the ear with more moisture.

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