Monsanto and Zeneca named aspossible bolt-ons for DuPont

20 May 1998

Monsanto and Zeneca named as
possible bolt-ons for DuPont

DUPONTS plans for rapid expansion into life sciences has caused a burst of speculation about its future likely alliances – with Monsanto and Zeneca among those touted.

DuPont has just announced its decision to buy out Mercks 50% stake in the DuPont Merck pharmaceuticals joint venture for $2.6 billion, the latest of a series of moves into life sciences.

On the agricultural side, DuPont has acquired 20% of Pioneer Hybrid International as a means of distributing its seed to farmers. It has also bought out soya processor PTI in a bid to expand plantings of its genetically modified (GM) soya. DuPont has also expressed an “active interest” in similar deals for wheat and corn.

Meanwhile, it has struck agreements with Cargill and Continental Grains for the processing and handling of GM grain.

  • Financial Times 20/05/98 page 35

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