More milk adverts in the pipeline?

1 February 2002

More milk adverts in the pipeline?

THE Dairy Council is hoping to secure funding for a second round of generic advertising after it revealed that the White Stuff campaign added 82m litres to UK sales over 18 months.

The figures exceed the target of 60m extra litres set by the council when generic advertising started in June 2000.

It translates into every household in the country having bought an extra 61/2 pints during the campaign.

Dairy Council marketing manager Andrew Ovens said: "Awareness of the campaign could not be better and we have exceeded our volume targets.

"I really do believe we have done the best we possibly could with the £9m."

Mr Ovens said he hoped that because the results were so pleasing that farmers and milk processors would vote for a second campaign. Farmers spent £200,000 on a final burst of TV advertising over Christmas. &#42

, but the campaign has been suspended since.

The Dairy Councils board and the Dairy Industry Federation have both said they want to analyse the final figures before deciding how to proceed.

The main thrust of the advertising campaign was to convince people that drinking milk was "cool" using cartoon versions of celebrities such as Rolf Harris.

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