10 August 2001


EXTRA care reaps rewards – its a message worth pasting up in spray cabs as autumn weed-killing programmes get under way.

No economically driven growers want to use more herbicides than necessary to keep their crops clean. So, as always, close attention to appropriate product choices and doses will pay dividends.

But with the possibility of tighter environmental restrictions and the ever-present threat of a tax on pesticides, it makes a lot of sense to go that extra mile to protect the industrys increasingly effective herbicide armoury.

"Pesticide stewardship" doesnt trip off the tongue too easily, but it is a phrase everyone involved with applying sprays this autumn should be familiar with.

So although there has been little change since last season, we make no apology for kicking off this supplement with another look at the measures aimed to ensure isoproturon (IPU) remains part of the available weaponry.

IPU was the first herbicide to come under such intense scrutiny after being found in surface waters. Extra careful use of its successors, as outlined in the following articles, is a must.

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