Muscat does better than expected
8 August 2001
Muscat does better than expected
“ITS done well, considering it should have never been sown,” says Colin McGregor of his October drilled Muscat feed barley. He farms at Coldstream up to the English border.
His 22ha (55 acres) yielded 8t/ha (3.25t/acre), which is below the farm average of 8.5t/ha (3.45t/acre).
He says it was drilled three weeks too late. It never looked special.”
The crop was combined at 14-16% moisture and produced a specific weight of 68Kg/hl.
They should move onto oilseed rape when the weather improves. He says they should be combining the first wheat in over a week.
There is Consort wheat and Chariot spring barley. Soil on the farm ranges from light to medium.
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