NFU conference – news roundup

7 February 2001

NFU conference – news roundup

London, 6-7 February, 2001

Brown calls for badger cull debate

7 February, 2001
AGRICULTURE minister Nick Brown has called for a parliamentary debate to discuss the possibility of killing more badgers to combat tuberculosis in cattle

Kennedy urges action on German beef

7 February, 2001
LIBERAL Democrat leader Charles Kennedy has called on the government to take urgent action to prevent sub-standard beef from entering Britain

NFU award winners named

7 February, 2001
A PRODUCER from Herefordshire has picked up the NFU presidents award for the Young Farmer of the Year

Consumers misled over GM claims

7 February, 2001
CONSUMERS are being misled by retailers who claim they only source livestock fed on non-genetically modified crops, a farmers leader has claimed

Growers may face full climate levy

6 February, 2001
BRUSSELS could block British plans to partially exempt the horticulture sector from the forthcoming European Union climate change levy

NFU in thrall of Government

6 February, 2001
THE National Farmers Union must distance itself from the Government and Brussels, claims a Conservative MP

Little red tractor appears on bread

6 February, 2001
LOAVES of bread bearing the little red tractor logo will soon be going on sale across the country, farmers representatives have been told

Politicians clash at NFU conference

6 February, 2001
POLITICIANS from four political parties clashed during a speakers panel at the National Farmers Union AGM in London

Lobby hard for cash – economist

6 February, 2001
FARMERS have been urged to lobby the government to part with some of the huge cash surplus it has accumulated, and use it help their businesses recover

Gill calls for ban on German beef

6 February, 2001
FARMERS leader Ben Gill has called for a ban on beef exports from Germany in the event of further lapses in German BSE controls

Welsh anger at beef subsidy delay

6 February, 2001
FEWER than three out of five livestock producers in Wales entitled to suckler cow payments have received the money, the Welsh Assembly has admitted

Gill issues election challenge

6 February, 2001
PUT farming at the centre of the general election campaign, National Farmers Union president Ben Gill will urge politicians

Gill in pre-Election plea at AGM

5 February, 2001
BEN GILL, president of the National Farmers Union, will present politicians at this weeks NFU conference with an urgent wish-list for the farming industry

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