Now Swindon Council rallies to the cause…

28 September 2001

Now Swindon Council rallies to the cause…

By Mike Stones

SWINDON Borough Council is likely to be the latest ally in FARMERS WEEKLYs long-running campaign for a full public inquiry into foot-and-mouth.

The hung council is to vote on a motion calling on government to set up a full public inquiry into the F&M epidemic, said Conservative councillor, Jemima Milton.

"I am confident we can win a vote on a public inquiry. We also want to meet the DEFRA minister to discuss how best this council can contribute to such an inquiry."

Mrs Milton feared that the three inquiries announced by the government lack the power to compel witnesses to give evidence.

"Witnesses will be expected to give evidence but none of the governments inquiries have any powers to ensure that the people they need to see will attend," she said.

Only a public inquiry will answer all the questions about the origins and handling of the epidemic, according to Mrs Milton and many of her councillor colleagues.

Support for those views comes from nearly 85,000 readers who have pledged their support for the public inquiry campaign organised by FARMERS WEEKLY, Horse&Hound, Western Morning News, The Western Mail, and The Journal in Newcastle.

FW readers alone have delivered nearly 19,000 signatures in support of the most successful campaign ever organised by this magazine. &#42

Dear Mr Blair,

Since you have taken a personal interest in the tragedy that is foot-and-mouth and, at one point, direct control of its handling, please make a firm commitment now to hold a full public inquiry into the F&M crisis.

As you are well aware, the epidemic has caused untold anguish within farming and rural communities, taken millions of animals lives and has cost our economy billions of £s.

For the sakes of those who have lost everything, even loved ones, please give them the consolation of knowing now that you are committed to a full, robust public inquiry.

After the carnage that has unfolded in our countryside, how could you deny such a request?

We look forward to speedy confirmation of your decision.

Yours sincerely,






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