Organic fans call for research cash

4 May 2000

Organic fans call for research cash

By FWi staff

ORGANIC campaigners are calling for more research funding claiming the sector is a poor relation to biotechnology in the governments research budget.

The government has allocated 2 million for organic sector research this year. But 26m has been set aside to help answer questions about biotechnology.

The decision is out of step with public demands for GM-free and organic food, claim organic campaigners.

Demand for organic food is growing at 40% per year with a market value predicted to be worth 1 billion by 2002. But GM food sales have flopped.

Paul Tyler, the Liberal Democrat MP sponsoring the Organic Food and Farming Bill, said the sector needed all the research funding it could get.

There were many barriers to growth of the organic market, including lack of research, he said.

Mr Tylers Bill has its second reading on Friday (5 May).

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