Public are against GM food, admits Monsanto study

18 November 1998

Public are against GM food, admits Monsanto study

By FWi staff

CONSUMER opposition to genetically modified foods is increasing, according to a private study for biotech giant Monsanto which has been leaked to Greenpeace.

The research shows a growing majority of the British public are opposed to food made from genetically modified (GM) ingredients.

The number of people who believe GM ingredients are unacceptable has “skyrocketed” from 35% last year to 51% now, the survey says.

“The latest survey shows an ongoing collapse of public support for biotechnology and GM foods,” the study is reported as saying in The Independent today.

The report was conducted by Stan Greenberg, an opinion pollster to Bill Clinton and Tony Blair.

But Mr Greenberg did offer Monsanto at least one glimmer of hope.

“Fully half the MPs [surveyed] see benefits outweighing risks; 70% of the MPs reacted positively to GM foods.

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