Rain slows progress
20 August 2001
Rain slows progress
KEITH HARRIS at Silton, Dorset has combined about a quarter of his winter wheat crop of 160ha (400 acres). Rain has slowed progress; “yesterday we had 23mm of rain in an hour yesterday. That will stop us until tomorrow.”
The yields on Savannah has varied between 7.5-9.1t/ha (3-3.7t/acre). “The five year average for the farm is about 8t/ha, although it has crept up the last couple.”
The field that yielded 7.5t/ha (3t/acre) was drilled in October into dubious conditions.
He combined the crop between 15-19% moisture and started again at 22% after rain.
The rest of the wheat, which was drilled in January, but is fit and waiting for some good weather. He says that some wheat on lighter land has been combined but not that much in the surrounding area.
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