Rain welcome on barometer farms

13 July 2001

Rain welcome on barometer farms

RAIN last weekend was welcome on farmers weeklys southern barometer farms, where a prolonged dry spell had left harvest outcome in the balance (see p52). But further showers forecast would not go amiss.

"We had 29mm (1.2in) in three hours on Saturday," says Tim Lock, of West Sussex. "Although it knocked a bit of barley about, its done more good than harm."

In Norfolk Stewart Knight recorded 20mm (0.8in). "The sugar beet and potatoes lapped it up. Its certainly helped the poorer spring wheat and second winter wheats which were curling. Some more nice, gentle rain wouldnt hurt."

Tim Morris fears the 15mm (0.6in) which fell on his Cotswolds farm came too late to save crops in the brash soils. "But it might help some of the later drilled wheat on our heavier land."

In Beds, 9mm (0.4in) eased wild oat pulling for Brian Shaw. "It also brightened up the beans and got rid of the scorching heat." &#42

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