Red Tractor for Genesis and FABBL
By FWi staff
CEREAL assurance schemes offered by Genesis and Farm Assured British Beef and Lamb have been approved by Assured Food Standards.
This will allow produce certified by each organisation to carry the Little Red Tractor logo.
“This will give our scheme credibility within the industry, as some millers already insist grain qualifies for the logo even if it wont be used on the final product,” says FABBLs Philippa Wiltshire.
The group has recently moved into cereal certification after being granted a license by the Assured Combinable Crop Scheme.
This will allow it to assure both arable and livestock enterprises.
However, Genesis managing director Martin Barker claims his company is still the only provider of a total farm assurance service.
“We have one inspection and one subscription, the system is totally integrated.”
But in some instances the firms charges, which have remained unchanged since its inception in 1999, appear to be undercut by the new combined service from FABBL.
Mr Barker admits this maybe the case but insists tariff changes are not imminent
“We are constantly looking to revise our scheme but are currently very happy with the level of business.”
Genesis has just been given the green light by Rank Hovis, the last miller to accept its certified grain, and he says there has been a surge in the amount of interest from farmers.
“Interest is increasing every day. Although it is worrying many producers seem to have no assurance so close to harvest,” he adds