Rhyncho rising in the south

17 March 2000

Rhyncho rising in the south

RHYNCHOSPORIUM is building in southern winter barleys and could need treating urgently, figures from DuPont/NIAB monitoring suggest. The disease is being picked up at significant levels in Kent, Shropshire and Hants.

Use a good curative triazole alone or in combination with azoxystrobin (as in Amistar) for effective control, says DuPonts Andy Selley.

Approval for straight MBC products on barley were revoked last July. "But Punch C (flusilazole + MBC) has been re-registered and can continue to be used. Indeed a mix of Punch C and Amistar was the best mix in independent testing in France by the ITCF in 1999."

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