Scots act to boost lamb exports

12 August 1999

Scots act to boost lamb exports

SCOTTISH farming agencies are trying to boost lamb exports to stave off an impending crisis caused by the huge overhang in the market of last years ewes.

The National Farmers Union of Scotland is working with the Meat and Livestock Commission (MLC) and the Scotch Quality Beef and Lamb Association (SQBLA) to try to identify ways of stimulating trade.

The collapse of the ewe trade last autumn left 300,000 old ewes retained on the farm and put to the tup instead of being culled.

The Scottish rural affairs ministry has already given £150,000 to support promotional work but the union feels this sum would not have little impact.

The SQBLA and MLC are making plans to divert more money from their funds to support lamb promotion.

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