Seed treatment for rape fills gap

2 March 2001

Seed treatment for rape fills gap

A NEW seed treatment for the early control of cabbage stem flea beetle in winter oilseed rape is set to fill the gap left by the loss of gamma-HCH.

UK894 combines equal amounts of beta-cyfluthrin and imidacloprid. It represents far more than a gamma-HCH replacement, says Tim Nicholson, technical support manager for supplier Bayer.

"Not only does it promise more effective control of adult flea beetle damage than any seed treatment that has gone before, but it also has a useful effect on cabbage stem flea beetle larvae and the aphids that spread Beet Western Yellow Virus."

Company trials suggest a margin over cost of up to £25/ha. Where a follow-up pyrethroid spray was used average yield response was over 0.5t/ha. Approval is hoped for in time for this autumn. &#42

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