Sexed semen trials soon

2 June 2000

Sexed semen trials soon

SEXED semen from Genus is two to three years away from the market and field trials will start later this year.

"We plan to offer every farmer in the world sexed semen either directly or through sub-contractors," said chief executive, Richard Wood, at the companys financial results presentation (see Business)

"The acquisition of Canadian company Gensel Biotechnologies will allow us to produce sexed semen, based on natural proteins that attach selectively to sperm enabling male or female sperm to be separated."

The technology has important welfare implications in allowing producers to breed only those cattle required; avoiding the need to cull unwanted genders, he added.

Although sexed semen was available already, based on mechanical sorting technology, the technique lacked the capacity needed to supply the world market, believed Mr Wood. &#42

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