2 June 2000



The South of England Show opens its doors on June 8-10 at Ardingly, near Haywards Heath,

Sussex. Suzie Horne gives a taste of the state of farming in the south, while

Brian Lovelidge looks at the South of England Agricultural Societys new barley exhibit

THE South of England Show is the culmination of many months of preparation by the South of England Agricultural Society. It is a shop window for the countryside and for agriculture, be it in the form of livestock, fresh farm foods, horticulture, horses, rural crafts or machinery and equipment, and for the societys educational and charitable activities. You will find them all present in abundance.

The society has taken the conscious decision not to take the commercial route. We are remaining true to the original purpose of staging the show to support farmers, horticulturists, related industries and the whole rural economy.

The South of England Show is an agricultural show. We believe this is what the general public want. They want to see the best of British – prime quality produce which our farmers and growers are the best in the world at producing. They also want to learn how they can support the rural community and they want children to have the opportunity to see, feel, touch and learn about their rural heritage.

We look forward to welcoming everyone for an excellent day out. Only in your dreams could you find a better place to spend a day. There is so much to see, buy and taste and you will be entertained as you wander about in this glorious Sussex setting, meeting your friends. Come and support the rural community and support the South of England Agricultural Society that organises the show. Become a member and show your support – the Countryside Matters.

Carola Godman Law, chairman.

The livestock classes are a strength of the South of England Show and are enjoyed by farmer and non-farmer alike.

South of England

Show data

Date: Thurs June 8 to

Sat June 10, 2000.

Times: 9am to 7pm

Venue: South Of England Centre, Ardingly, Haywards Heath. Off the B2028 Haywards Heath to Turners Hill.

Cost: Thurs: Adults £11, children 5-16 £3.50, senior citizens/students £5.

Fri: Adults £10, children

5-16 £3.50, senior

citizens/students £5

Sat: Adults £10, children

5-16 £3.50, senior

citizens/students £5

Family tickets, which allow entry for 2 adults and 2 children, costs £23 on the Thurs and £21 on the

Fri and Sat.

More details: South of England Agricultural Society

on 01444-892700

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