Six-row barley below average
1 August 2001
Six-row barley below average
PETER NICHOLSON, near Pocklington in Yorkshire has combined some 6-row barley.
Thirty-seven hectares (90 acres) of Angela and Theresa have had weighbridge yields of 8.6t/ha (3.5t/acre) on lighter land and 7.4t/ha (3t/acre) on heavier land. They would expect 8.6-9.3t/ha (3.5-3.75t/acre).
“Its not too bad considering the state of the seed bed.” The soil on the farm ranges from gravely to clay.
They are just about to start Regina malting barley and some rare Tenor oilseed rape. He says both crops look well.
The Regina is on light land and the oilseed rape was drilled very early. They plan to combine oilseed rape in the morning as they use the straw for poultry purposes.
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