Starter diet for replacement chicks

27 July 2001

Starter diet for replacement chicks

A SPECIALIST diet designed for replacement layer chicks in the first 3-4 days post-hatching will ensure growth targets are met and bird health, immunity and uniformity is optimised, says manufacturer NuTec.

NuStart Layer is said to be nutrient dense, highly digestible and palatable. The 1.8mm (0.07in) pellets are produced from quality ingredients which are processed and purified, adds the company.

The product develops the chicks gastro-intestinal tract, improving health and immune status to achieve the best start in life, claims NuTec. Commercial trials demonstrated that when chicks were fed NuStart Layer in the first 30 hours of life, flock mortality was reduced by about 50%. Chicks were consistently higher in weight and continued to grow well throughout the rearing period, compared with those fed on a traditional starter diet, explains the company.

The product is available in 25kg bags, costing £12 each (01543-306306, fax 01543-306307).

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