Strimmer and blades

25 January 2002

Strimmer and blades

DESIGNED for use by councils to cut grass around posts and other high way obstructions, the Italy-built Massimo Strimamower might find a use in more rural applications – for trimming around young trees or even vines.

Interconnected to the front of a tractor, the machine is equipped with two hydraulically controlled arms each with their own hydraulically powered cutter heads. The operator can position the cutter heads either side of, say, a fence or small tree line and trim both sides at the same time.

Key to the system is to be found in the 50cm diameter rotary cutter heads. Working just outside the cowling is a conventional strimmer wire which can make contact with posts or trees without damaging them. Safely confined within the cowling is a disc with metal blades which work conventionally to cut grass down to ground level. It is, in effect, a two-in-one cutter.

On the move, when an obstacle is met the spring-loaded cutter heads simply rotate out to brush past it, returning to their normal position as soon as it has passed.

It is not hard to see the value of such a machine to those responsible for keeping roadside verges under control. It negates the need for large numbers of people to be employed for hand strimming operations. On the side of busy roads it is also a safer task.

Price of the Strimamower is set at £25,000. &#42

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