Subsidy reform reaction and analysis

9 December 1999

Subsidy reform — reaction and analysis

  • Subsidy cuts to boost conservation

    FARM subsidies will be cut by up to 4.5% under a government initiative to raise money for rural development and environmental schemes for the countryside.

  • Why subsidies are being redirected

    THE redirection of subsidies announced by agriculture minister Nick Brown falls under the European Union Rural Development Regulation.

  • Subsidy reform is `tax on farmers

    FARMERS and environmental groups have clashed over the governments decision to divert farm subsidies from food production towards conservation.

  • Subsidies – what the papers say

    GOVERNMENT plans to divert farm subsidies from food production towards conservation bring a mixed response from this mornings newspapers.

  • Agri-environment gets £1bn boost

    THE government has claimed that reducing farm subsidies will enable it to boost the funding of its agri-environment schemes by a massive £1 billion.

  • Hill farmers oppose subsidy change

    HILL farmers have been outraged by proposals to change the way that they are paid subsidies for farming in some of Britains most remote and harsh areas.

  • See more