Farm Bill means big bill for Uncle Sam
US policymakers could harm free trade talks by pressing ahead with a new farm Bill. Estimates suggest this would mean farmers would be paid more than the $30bn they received in emergency aid over the past four years…………..p24
Straight to it
Merchants are advising farmers to buy straights now, if they want to avoid a bigger bill this winter. Protein prices are the most likely to rise, as demand for soya and rape increases and crop forecasts for this year keep falling……….p27
OSRs kind of town
Oilseed rape gained £10/t last week on the back of rising Chicago soya prices. The US weather market is also pushing up UK wheat prices. Traders reckon the outlook is pretty good………p28
F&M brought to book
A new booklet offers F&M-struck farmers advice on how to manage their way out of the crisis. It focuses on cash flow, tax implications of compensation money, and running a business without trading income……p28
Hill lamb hopes
Our adopted Scottish farm, Tirinie, hopes to find a market for most of its hill lambs from its two Perthshire upland units. The plan is to grow the hill lambs to 17kg carcass weight by feeding a diet of kale and turnips….p30
Straw shoots up
Straw prices have shot up at this seasons standing straw auctions. Values are up in some parts by 40% on the year. Auctioneers reckon demand is greater because of F&M and wheat straw supplies are expected to be lower………..p33