21 December 2001


FWs glittering prizes galore…

FARMERSWEEKLYgave more than £101,000 worth of prizes in its 2001 competitions. If you werent among the lucky winners, theres always 2002……………………… 10

Bugs on rise

Clinical mastitis and somatic cell counts are proving hard to control in loose-housed milkers, a warm autumn having been a contributory factor……page 29

Scrapie scramble

Extra funding from the Welsh Assembly has been made available to speed up the principalitys scrapie genotyping scheme…………………….page 30


Profitable and environmentally friendly farming is being put into practice on one mixed dairy and arable unit in the Home Counties…………page 32

Faecal attraction

To worm or not to worm is the question many producers find themselves asking at regular intervals. But checking faecal egg counts can reduce the wormer bill……………….page 38

Spuds in store

Potato stores are already breaking down to storage rots and sprouts are set to emerge any day. Vigilance is the watchword, as we report in our latest baseline advice article….page 50

Between extremes

Growers looking for extremes did not have to look far in 2001, and those on FWbarometer farms were certainly no exception…………………page 53

Open verdict

One of the leading tractor makers believes the success of its recent open day for dealers and customers could lead to a rethink on show policy…page 59

Airing views

Asprayer manufacturer thinks its air suspension system offers a smoother ride, increased output and reduced maintenance costs……………………….page 61

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