Top quality forage from quality seed
Canadian bull proves hard to follow
CANADIAN bull Cherry Crest Candid, which has been proven through the Genus ABS global breeding programme, is now available in the UK.
Candid (daughter pictured) offers +406kg milk, with +0.12% fat, +0.04% protein and 1.8 type merit. No other sires matches these criteria, says the company. He has a PIN of £49 and a PLI of £49.
He is a Jabot son, from a Mark Grand testing +5.3% fat and +3.8% protein. His Granddam is Cherry Crest Crimson, the 10-star brood cow and finalist All Canadian Cow of the Year 1996. Straws cost £15 each (01270-536593, fax 01270-217777).
New meal launch
A HIGH protein and highly molassed concentrate meal, ideal for mixing with cereals for pre-lambing ewes and finishing lambs, has been launched by Rumenco.
Promol Sheep contains a mix of natural and urea proteins fortified with molasses, vitamins and minerals. It is formulated to boost low protein forage, stimulating ewe milk supply.
Inclusion of protected zinc is said to encourage strong hoof tissue development and organic selenium, to encourage lambs to suckle quickly. Vitamin E is also added to improve lamb viability under stressful conditions, it adds.
Feeding rates will depend on animal condition, target performance levels, forage quality and the weather. When mixed with cereals at an inclusion rate of 20%, it produces an 18% protein mix costing about £115/t (01283-511211, fax 01283-511013).
Iodine technology
BETTER teat condition leads to contented cows which milk out better and also gives mastitis-causing micro-organisms less chance to colonise the teat skin, says teat dip supplier DeLaval.
The company believes the new iodine technology used in the manufacture of Proactive, a newly licensed teat dip, offers a fast kill across the broad spectrum of bacteria – 99.99% killing rate in 15 seconds.
Yet the teat dip has a mild, skin neutral pH.
The product comes in 20 litre drums, costing about £50 or 200 litre drums costing about £340 (029-20775800, fax 029-20775840).
Top quality forage from quality seed
EXCELLENT performance and disease resistance are offered in the latest perennial ryegrass tetraploid being produced by seed breeder Barenbrug UK.
Adapted for UK conditions, Delphin gives high yields of top quality forage, says the company. NIAB trials show the variety can achieve conservation yields of 106%, grazing yields of 104% and a digestibility rating of 69.1%. For a late heading variety, it is said to record good early spring growth of 96%.
Delphin has the highest NIAB score for disease resistance. When sown as part of a mixture, the variety will help reduce the vulnerability of the whole mixture to disease, adds the company. As a component in a mixture, Delphin costs £2.40kg (01359-272000, fax 01359-272001).