Two days harvesting left

9 January 1998

Two days harvesting left

NO more beet remains in the ground than is normal for the time of year, maintains British Sugar. It believes all of it will be lifted, especially as factories will still be slicing towards the end of next month.

"We are talking of two to three days harvesting," says the companys Robin Limb. "Most growers with beet still to harvest took a conscious decision to leave it. They are individuals who are perfectly capable of comparing the risk of clamping beet with leaving it in the ground."

Traditional regions for leaving beet late include coastal areas of East Anglia and parts on Lincs, which are not prone to waterlogging or frost and which tend to dry out quickly. It would take extreme conditions to prevent beet being lifted by modern six-row harvesters, says Mr Limb.n

Sugar beet processing records look set to be smashed this week, despite wet weather hampering the last of the harvest.

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