Union launches cereals checklist
7 August 2001
Union launches cereals checklist
By FWi staff
FARMERS leaders and cereal industry players have put together a new guide to help growers strike the best possible deal for their grain harvest.
This is especially vital this year as harvest is expected to be down four million tonnes, said the National Farmers Union at the launch of the Cereal Sellers Checklist.
It is produced by the NFU along with the Home-Grown Cereals Authority, UKASTA, the National Association of British and Irish Millers, and other parties.
The guide, launched in London on Tuesday (07 August), offers a list of the possible pitfalls and checks that should be made before signing grain contracts.
Issues covered in the checklist include transport costs, grain rejection
charges, payment terms, assurance arrangements and collection times.
Yields have been devastated by the wettest autumn and spring on record and the impact of foot-and-mouth.
NFU vice president Michael Paske said: “Farmers have battled to plant and in some cases re-plant crops for this years harvest.
“It is now even more important that they have information that will help
them negotiate a realistic price in an increasingly complex trading environment.
“We also continue to encourage farmers to work together to help reduce their
input costs and to achieve a better price from the grain chain.”
The checklist is available by contacting NFU CallFirst on 0870 845 8458 and
the NFU members intranet website www.nfunet.org.uk
Meanwhile, Parliament has approved an Order increasing the commission received by dealers collecting the Home-Grown Cereals Authority (HGCA) levy.
The Order made by the UK agriculture departments provides for cereals dealers to receive 5 per cent commission.
Since the levy arrangements were last amended in 1997 dealers were permitted to collect 3.7 per cent.
The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs says the change follows extensive consultation.
Levies paid by cereal growers, dealers and processors are used to fund cereals research and development and market intelligence.
- Unions call for emergency aid in wake of flood chaos, FWi, 17 November 2000
- Floods threaten grain shortage, FWi, 08 November 2000