Very disappointing OSR

9 August 2001

Very disappointing OSR

WORCESTERSHIRE farmer Richard Beldam, near Broadway, has finished oilseed rape, but has been held up by the weather for the last week as he tries to make progress into winter barley.

“Rape was very disappointing. It was not surprising with the prolonged wet on heavy land, no crops like those conditions.”

His Apex and Pronto had weighbridge yields between 1.85-2.5t/ha (0.75-1t/acre). The average for the farm is 3.3t/ha (1.35t/acre).

They have just started combining 160ha (400acre) of Pearl and Regina winter barley. His 120ha (300 acres) of wheat should be fit in ten days.

“I dont think the wheat will come to any harm as it is not yet fit. I would rather it was wet now and fine next week, rather than the other way round.”

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