Weather stunts start on wheat

6 August 2001

Weather stunts start on wheat

BARLEY and oilseed rape has virtually finished and farmers are now waiting for the right weather conditions so they can make inroads into the wheat crop, according to Martin Parry of Centaur Grain.

“Over 80% of the winter barley crop has been cut in the south.”

Pearl and Regina winter barley continue to show up well. “You can count the number of samples rejected on one hand.

“Nitrogen has been 1.85% and lower generally, and there are no problems with retention in Regina, which is often a problem.”

Yields for winter barley are slightly below average but not as bad as expected.

“Crops have tended to do better on lighter land, with heavy land being waterlogged during the growing season.”

Oilseed rape yields are below average. They are also below farmers spring yield forecasts.

There are some farmers who have started winter wheat. Samples of Abbot milling wheat have been good.

“The bushel on Claire looks good. The Hagberg is in excess of 200 and protein in excess of 11%. But screenings have been about 5%. There is evidence of small and pinched grains.”

He adds that another sample of Soissons looks good, but it is early days in terms of the wheat harvest and more will become apparent when more crops are combined.

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