Welsh farmers complacent over virus

14 September 2001

Welsh farmers ‘complacent’ over virus

By Robert Davies, Wales correspondent

TOO few farmers are following Defras bio-security advice, claims Waless minister for rural affairs, Carwyn Jones.

To counter complacency Mr Jones has written to every Welsh farmer reminding them of the need for vigilance, and providing them with what he describes as the 10 commandments of good bio-security.

“I have to say that my travels around the countryside of Wales do not fill me with confidence that everyone is taking this issue as seriously as they should,” commented Mr Jones.

An advice hotline has been set up and this will also log complaints about farmers who are not observing the regulations.

Local authorities and police forces are beginning a series of spot checks on vehicles, and National Assembly staff will visit farmers who appear to have dropped their guard.

The new measures were announced one month after the last confirmed case in Wales.

The public road across military ranges near Sennybridge where 40,000 carcasses were burned and buried will reopen next week.

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