Welcome to the third week of the
farmers weekly/Keenan competition
to win a Keenan Klassik mixer
wagon worth £21,000.
Just read the text, answer the
question and look out for the
coupon in the July 26 issue
A RADICAL overhaul of their feeding regime has seen a dramatic four-litre daily milk yield increase from more contented cows on the Taylors of Baldoukie dairy unit.
Apart from the installation of a new milking parlour, an essential part of this overhaul was the purchase of a Keenan Klassik 140 mixer wagon.
"The emphasis was on a no-fuss, flexible feeding regime to increase efficiency and reduce labour costs, along with cow performance and longevity," says Willie, who farms in partnership with his brother James and father Willie.
* Better health,
better milk yields
After initial reservations about making dramatic changes in feeding, given recent milk cheque returns, the Taylors have no doubt that theyve made the right decision. "As well as increased milk yields, the overall condition of the cows has improved markedly," says James. "Before changing to the Keenan System the cows recorded a 21.5 litre average daily yield. Now were just short of 25 litres, the cows are more contented and the heifers are doing better than ever before because theyre not having to compete for feed."
* Flexible feeding system
The farm can suffer from dry summers, as it lies 75m above sea level. Consequently the cows are buffer fed straw and a little grass silage all year around with grass performance constantly assessed. "The Keenan mixer wagon has given us the flexibility to respond quickly to changing conditions," says Willie.
* Adding value to the whole farm business
The Keenan also feeds 550 head of cattle each day, including sucklers, finishers, and all dairy bulls. Feed costs for fattening cattle and bulls have been reduced by using their own barley and wheat, to which they add bought-in protein. They also mix their own calf feed in the mixer wagon at a cost of £130/t, saving £50/t on purchased feed.
The Taylors are in no doubt that the purchase of the Keenan Mixer Wagon was the right decision, as its introduction at Baldoukie Farm has added value to the whole farm business.
Now answer the question on this page and look out for the coupon in the July 26 issue.