A steady harvest in Shropshire

“It‘s been a little patchy, but it hasn‘t been disastrous.”

After a good day harvesting yesterday (Aug 26) he was able to get another 32 ha          (80 acres) of wheat cut.

He is about half way through the 320 ha (800 acre) wheat crop and has so far been impressed by the yields.

First wheat Claire yielded 9.88 t/ha (4 t/acre) while second wheat Napier yielded 8.65 t/ha (3.5 t/acre) and Richmond yielded 7.91 t/ha (3.2 t/acre).

The high yields of the Napier particularly impressed Mr Craig while the Richmond suffered from take-all, leading to slightly disappointing yields.

Mr Craig said he has never seen fields so wet. His combines are losing traction in the field.

In some instances he was harvesting at 22% moisture and his grain drier has been going flat out. It‘s costing him £2/tonne to dry the crops.

“If we get a good week next week we‘ll be nearly done,” he added.

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