Another wheat record?

Martin Boulden is celebrating some outstanding yields on Romney Marsh this year, with a new contender for a record wheat yield. 

“We have seen some superb yields from our crops this year,” he said. “Yields on the strong marsh land have been extremely good, but the thinner upland land was not so good.”

First wheat Claire averaged over 10t/ha (4t/acre) at Court Lodge, Aldington, Kent, with one 3.77ha (9.3-acre) field coming off the combine at 15.05t/ha (6t/acre).

It all made the soft milling grade, at 13% protein, 300 Hagberg and over 80kg/hl.

Second wheat Cordiale, on lighter land, averaged 7.5t/ha (3t/acre), at 15-16% protein, 80kg/hl and over 300 Hagberg.

“There was no straw at all – it was only a foot tall, but I’m very pleased with the quality,” said Mr Boulden.

Dimension, Alienor and PR46W21 rapeseed all yielded well, at over 5t/ha (2t/acre). “The oil content was the highest I’ve ever had, at 47-48%.”

Saffron winter barley was also pleasing, at 7.4t/ha (3t/acre).

“We haven’t had too bad a time at all – we have hardly cut any wet wheat, and I’m on drilling oilseed rape today (22 August),” he added.

“I’ve never seen the marsh so dry, but the ground is working quite nicely.”

Crop: Winter wheat
Variety: Claire
Area: 3.77ha (9.3 acres)
Yield: 15.05t/ha (6t/acre)

Variety: Claire
Area: 202ha (500 acres)
Yield: >10t/ha (4t/acre)

Variety: Cordiale
Area: 121ha (300 acres)
Yield: 7.5t/ha (3t/acre)

Crop: Oilseed rape
Varieties: Dimension, Alienor and PR46W21
Yield: >5t/ha (2t/acre)

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