East: Back to the Sahara

It has been weeks since there we had any appreciable rain in this part of the world and this is beginning to impact on spring crops, cereals particularly. Some winter ones are now dropping leaves on light soils and waxing up on heavier soils.

Flag leaves have appeared, speeded up with last weekend’s very hot weather and T2s are being applied. Disease levels are generally low particularly where a good programme has been followed, though rusts may become more of an issue.

There appears to be a lot of winter barley in crops even though some had Atlantis in the autumn which had no effect on it

Winter barley are fully out in ear and a lot of stress spotting is being noticed

Spring barley and wheats were looking reasonable after the little rain they received a fortnight ago and had tillered well, but the constant dry is now beginning to send up main stems.

Some mildew has been noticed, but brownB rust again could be a problem, vigilance is, therefore, needed.

Spring beans have just begun to show flower buds and most crops have emerged very well with good plants stands thanks mainly to some excellent seedbeds. Weevils are still in numbers but after a long period of slow growth the crops are now growing away from the damage.

Winter beans for human consumption will need to be watched when the first pods have set and two consecutive days of 20C have occured as this is the trigger for bruchid beetle control

The early drilled sugar beet, certainly in this patch, looks extremely well now we have had some warm nights which I feel is exactly what they needed, Weed control in the main has been successful up to date.

Some clients have tried out the broadacre approach which on an initial look, looks very impressive provided the nerve to hold off for a longer period than usual holds!

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