Castille & Pollen perform well in Notts

Geoffrey Williams based near Retford, Nottinghamshire, suggested around 20% of oilseed rape had been cut in the region. Yields were between 3.6 and 4.8t/ha, with Castille doing well and Pollen proving a favourite in the area.

Winter barley yielded between 6 to 8t/ha, with most of the crops coming in dry and early. The biggest yields were seen from Sequel.

Both the winter barley and oilseed rape yielded better than last year after the crops established better during the damp Autumn, he suggested.

Barley bushel weight was slightly down on last year from the recent hot period of weather, said Mr Williams. However the oilseed rape was of good quality with “bold berries”.

A small amount of Cordiale also did quite well on gravel land, yielding 7.5-8t/ha and of an excellent quality, he said.

  • Crop/Variety: Oilseed rape/ Castille, Pollen
  • Area: N/A
  • Yield: 3.6-4.8t/ha
  • Quality: Good

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