Cereals 2015: Tighter Avadex herbicide restrictions delayed until December

A less restrictive approval of key blackgrass herbicide Avadex that was set to expire this autumn has been granted an extension to its sale and use-up date.

The product recently went through re-registration and the new label restricted the granular tri-allate-containing product to use in just three crops – winter wheat and winter and spring barley.

See also: Avadex hit with three-crop rule

Crops such as spring wheat, winter and spring oilseed rape and winter and spring linseed and some other minor crops have been removed from the label, along with all Extension of Authorisation for Minor Use (EAMU).

However, manufacturer Gowan applied for an extension to the period in which the old label (Mapp number 12109) could be sold and used.

Distribution was previously permitted to sell the expiring label until 30 September 2015 and farmers had to use the product up within 12 months. This has now been extended to 31 December 2015 for sales and 31 December 2016 for use. 

Growers wishing to use the herbicide to get on top of problem blackgrass in spring and autumn crops throughout 2016 are urged to secure supplies badged with the less restrictive label.

Gowan’s UK marketing manager Dominic Lamb told Farmers Weekly that the company have significant quantities of product, so there will be adequate supply to meet demand.

For more news, photos, video and information at the Cereals event see our Cereals 2015 page

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