Disaster hits Leicestershire farm
He predicts 1 t/ha (2.5 t/acre) of grain is left on the floor as the wheat was thrashed and the sugar beet was heavily lacerated.
The 75% of wheat which has not yet been harvested “will now be a salvage job”, and losses will run into several thousands of pounds.
“Everything seems to be going against us,” he remarks, describing the situation as “desperate”.
A neighbouring farm only half a mile away that Mr Tolley does contract work for escaped with very little damage at all.
“I don‘t know why, perhaps they got less hail, or the crops weren‘t quite as ready as ours.”
Mr Tolley has already been battling against the wet weather as combines having been getting stuck in the field and drying costs are “colossal”.
“We‘re drying from 20% moisture and with the price of red diesel at 25p a litre, costs are through the roof.”