East: Temperatures encourage blackgrass
What happened to the promised October snow!
Since my last article we have still not had any significant rainfall (or snow!), just days of mist, and unseasonably warm temperatures.
The temperatures have encouraged rapid blackgrass growth, if the blackgrass has 2 or more leaves I am still encouraging autumn Atlantis use. At the same time we have to be mindful that this product needs to go onto a dry leaf, and dry on. Needless to say the spray window each day is not that long. Atlantis should be applied with a residual partner, my early results with prosulfocarb as a tank mix partner are looking favourable.
All cereals have now had at least one aphicide and where required a trace element application of the appropriate micronutrient. Though not traditionally a large user of phosphites, last years encouraging results on second, or struggling wheats have led me to treat a larger area this autumn.
Propyzamide and carbetamide applications are well under way, at least the mist and fog has enabled the chemical to roll off the large OSR canopies to make soil contact. Although the soil temperature is above average for the time of year, the grass weeds are still relativity small and there is enough moisture near the soil surface to activate these products. I feel if we delay applications until the soil temperature is ideal, the grass weeds will be too deep rooted to kill, or the land drains will be running, either would cause lack of efficacy or environmental concerns.
As we head towards the office for the winter we must turn our attentions to the necessary administration. The coming weeks will be a good time to check the soil protection review is up to date, the crop protection management plan is up to date, and the nitrogen plan completed.
When it comes to Nitrogen planning the soil N min tests will be invaluable this year. After such a dry season it will be very interesting to see what levels of nitrogen are likely to be available to all crops from the soil. Some OSR rape crops already have a GAI of 3+ so no pre April nitrogen may be appropriate. There may be room for some cost savings, food for thought?