Good bushel weights for Istabraq
Peter Fairs near Evesham in Worcs is pleased with his Istabraq and Claire wheat harvest this year. He said the wheat was of good quality with average yields of 9.4t/ha.
Istabraq yielded slightly better, and the bushel weight of 80kg/hl was higher than Claire at 76kg/hl.
Oilseed rape yielded around 3.5t/ha which was also better than last year. He was happy the weather was good and said: “There’s less stress than last year.”
- Crop/Variety: Istabraq and Claire wheat
- Area: 120ha
- Yield: 9.4t/ha
- Quality: Bushel weights – Claire 76kg/hl, Istabraq 80kg/hl