Grain deductions – tell us your experiences

The wet harvest has hit grain quality this year – with many farmers experiencing price penalties as a result.

Numerous growers have seen samples below the usual specific weight specifications for milling and feed contracts, respectively. Some estimates suggest it could be the worst year for 35 years.

It’s sparked widespread complaints about the level of deductions and the transparency of how these deductions are calculated and prompted some to dub it the “great grain robbery”.

“Some end users are being flexible, but fallback levels can be shocking,” said one commentator.

Farmers Weekly wants to hear your views about deductions. Are they fair or excessive? Is the system used to calculate them too complex? And are farmers given enough explanation about deduction when they are made?

“This year has been a harvest to forget, but for some the pain is lingering,” said Farmers Weekly columnist Ian Pigott said in a recent column.

“Many farmers are facing large claims for low bushel weight as their wheat is delivered to mills… in years of high prices such as this, one can’t help but feel that some merchants have dreamt up the largest palatable deduction from that season’s delivered wheat value.”

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