Keith Challen admires the latest Seed Hawk

It’s funny, when I’m carrying the gun with dog at heel, I simply don’t feel the cold. But spend two days at the Lamma show and I nearly perished it was so cold, however I’m a dedicated tyre kicker and machinery anorak so it had to be done.

The question I always come away with is: “who buys it all and, in some cases, why would you?” For the first time in a while I felt there was plenty of innovation in most areas of the machinery sector, although nobody has yet picked up on my “comfort break funnel and hose” idea, I always was ahead of the game.

A couple of things caught my eye, including the new Vaderstad Seed Hawk drill and wireless probes for the grain store, I sounded like my wife when I tried to convince my mates it’s not what things cost, it’s what they save you that counts.

There’s not much to report on the crops, all the snow has finally gone and everything looks a little battered, this spring is going to be tricky. There’s evidence of septoria already in the wheat, and oilseed rape is going to need nutrients little and often to nurture it into a decent crop. The next job will be to get some deep nitrogen cores done to see what mineral nitrogen is left.

When I bought Millie I was only too aware that her pedigree and bloodline was far superior to my own and that I would have to keep her in a manner that she was born into. Unfortunately my wife wasn’t so convinced.

During my two-day visit to Lamma, Millie decided her pet shop bed was a little dull and lacked style. Being a true retriever she decided to round up all my good lady’s Laura Ashley cushions and redistribute them in her own bed. I still don’t see how it’s my fault.

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