More GM maize on the way

BRUSSELS IS set to consider proposals that would allow the commercial growing of up to 17 different types of genetically modified maize across Europe.

The European Commission proposes to add 17 varieties of GM maize made by Monsanto to Europe‘s Common Catalogue of Seeds.

This would be the first time that a GM seed has been added to the common catalogue and would make seeds commercially available to all growers across the EU.

The issue will be discussed at a meeting at the European Commission in Brussels on Wed (Sept 8).

The Commission is also proposing that GM-contaminated seed will only have to be labelled if it exceeds a 0.3% threshold.

Friends of the Earth‘s Europe GM coordinator Geert Ritsema described the proposals as “a recipe for disaster”.

Currently Denmark is the only country to have put in place co-existence measures aimed at preventing the uncontrolled spread of GMs in the food chain and the environment.

“Allowing the widespread growing of GM crops before countries have had the chance to put measures in place to protect consumers and the environment is a reckless move,” he said.

“It could lead to the widespread contamination of Europe‘s food, farming and environment and take away people‘s ability to avoid GM.”

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