NI barley yields looking good

William Russell has finished harvesting barley with promising results in County Tyrone, N. Ireland.

Mr Russell had a 40ha (100 acres) of the crop, consisting of: Jewel, Cannock and Colossus.

The Colossus variety was highest yielding at 9.24 t/ha (3.74 t/acre) over the weighbridge, while the other varieties ranged between 6.92-7.91 t/ha (2.8-3.2 t/acre).

The moisture content came in mostly below 15%. “I‘m very happy – for us it‘s just abnormally dry.”

Mr Russell said that over recent weeks the area had received very little rain, which is very different to other areas in the UK.

The yields and weather have been better than usual. 

“Last year had been a particularly bad year for our barley,” said Mr Russell

Spring barley has been sprayed off and he hopes to start harvesting it next week, weather permitting.

Mr Russell hopes the weather stays fine, saying: “It would save a lot of work and gas if it stayed dry till September.”

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