Potential Group 2 offers lower risk

A NEW POTENTIAL group 2 wheat variety with good all-round disease resistance could allow growers to cut spray inputs and reduce risk, says breeder.
But the commercial future of Dover will depend on how the millers rate it, said the Home Grown Cereals Authority’s Jim McVittie.
“It certainly is very interesting. It has potential to be a low input variety, with good lodging and disease resistance.” Dover is rated 6 for Septoria tritici resistance, 8 for yellow rust, 9 for mildew and brown rust and 6 for eyespot.
Yield potential is below other Group 2’s – around 2% below Solstice and 5.5% below Einstein, he added. Growers will therefore need to ask whether any input savings will sufficiently cover the loss of yield, he said.
CPB Twyford’s agronomist, Simon Francis acknowledged that the yield potential was not up to some other varieties, but said Dover’s agronomics were its real strength.
“It perhaps hasn’t got the yield potential of Robigus, but it is clean and you can get the quality. It will give growers lower risk – something more and more are looking for.”
The straw height of 75-80cm, combined with good stiffness also means lodging risk is minimal, he said.
The variety entered Recommended List trials last year and CPB Twyford report enthusiastic interest from merchants and farmers, with all multiplication-grade seed for this season now sold.