Public wants tough GM laws

NEARLY TWO-THIRDS of the British population support tough new laws to prevent GM crops contaminating non-GM crops and food, according to a new survey.
Just over 2000 Britons were interviewed by phone in the survey which was conducted by NOP World on behalf of Friends of the Earth.
The interviewees were asked if they would support laws preventing GM contamination occurring either in fields or during handling and processing, or if they thought such contamination was worth the risk because of the potential benefits of genetic modification.
The survey results show that 64% of the public support new laws to prevent GM contamination. Only 17% said that the possible benefits of GM outweigh the risks.
FoE GM campaigner Clare Oxborrow said: “Two-thirds of the UK public want tough new laws to protect their food and farming from GM contamination if GM crops are ever grown here.
“Unfortunately, the government is planning to allow some GM pollution of our food crops. This is totally unacceptable.”
“The British public wants GM-free food, not a spineless government compromise that would lead to widespread GM contamination and take away our right to choose GM-free food.”