Rain and prices concern Lincs grower

James Lunn in Boston, Lincolnshire was concerned by the weather and crop prices.

Thirteen hectares of oilseed rape yielded at 4.1t/ha, which was “nothing special but better than last year”.

Mr Lunn had to start cutting because forecast rain would mean the crop would have to be dried. “With such dire prices and prospects almost unbelievably low, we need to keep costs down.”

The wet weather also caused some Fusarium in the barley, and there was a large amount of pink grain. He said: “We either had to cut early or lose a lot of it.”

His winter wheat also suffered some storm damage, but was still “moving on quite quickly with a good head”.

  • Crop/Variety: Oilseed rape

  • Area: 13ha

  • Yield: 4.1t/ha

  • Quality: N/A

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